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1926 Al'Britonian | 1932 Alexandra | Jackonville
Golden Jubilee Jacksonville History
Many of the founding fathers and first families of Jacksonville have been
forgotten in the annals of Jacksonville recorded history. This site is
dedicated to recording bits and pieces of Jacksonville, Cherokee County, Texas
history. Contributions, comments, and dissenting views are always
welcome. As information becomes available the site will be expanded.
Jacksonville College 1899-Present
College was organized in 1899 to meet the needs of the citizens of East Texas.
At the time of its organization it was called the East Texas Educational
My parents Herbert Bell Smyrl and Frances Tucker attended Jacksonville
College 1928 - 1930. Some of their stories regarding college life seem
so antiquated and straight laced.
One of their stories about Old Main dealt with segregation of the sexes.
The building was multi-storied and had two staircases. Females used one
stairway while males used the other. Chapel was mandatory. Girls
sat on one side of the auditorium while boys sat on the other.
Among my mother's possessions it the 1926 Al'Britonian. As a member of The
Twin Arts Club she had a long association with Jacksonville, Texas.
I cringe as I look at these old annuals. Class members are not listed in
alphabetical order. Favorites are not named.
The Al'Britonian, 1926
In 1926 the school offered both college classes and academy classes.
The academy consisted of freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior classes.
By 1926 the physical plant consisted of Old Main and the old girls dorm on
Kikapoo street with its nice porches.
Senior Class
Ruby Jones - Jville |
Loma Sutton - Jville |
Preston Tankersley - Jville |
Gay Sutton - Jville |
Hobby Sutton - Jville |
Lillian Pool - Lindale |
Mary Morton - Jville |
J. L. Shaddix - Hugh Springs |
Allen Miller - Jville * |
Mary Nell Jenkiins - Jville |
Abbie Ruth Stovall - Coleman |
Louise Franklin - Jville |
Alma Sutton - Jville |
* Allen married Abbie Ruth Stovall and later became the president or dean
of Jacksonville College.
Junior Class
Francis Clark - Jville |
L. E. Walker - Avery |
Harold Brooks - Avery |
Iris Sherman - Maydell |
Ruby Bruner - Longview |
Douglas Jernigan - - Jville |
E. K. Beckham - Dallas |
Mertle Hamlin - Taylor Ark |
Nelleen Leggett - Fostoria |
Claudine Abernathy- Hugh
Springs. |
Mae Della Colley - Jville |
Chester Albrittton - Jville |
William Trull - Avalon |
Buna Anderson - Jville |
Louise Bentley - Buffalo |
Alva Anderson - Jville |
Wilma Jenkins - Jville (male pictured) |
Ralph Soape - Jville |
Opal Roach - Maydelle |
Eula Cameron - Jacksonville |
Verna Huffines - Richardson |
Floyd Williamson |
B. J. Albritton - President
James Morgan, A. B., Dean, Business Administration
Miss Mina McClendon, M.A., Mathematics
Miss Anna Stille, M.A., Education
Miss Maydell Wallace, B.S. Home Economics, Hygiene
Sam R. Malone, M.A., Science
Miss Ruby R. Lewis, M.A., English
J. T. Luper, Jr., A.B., Th.M., Dean School of Bible
Miss Alma DeShazo, M.A., History
Mrs. Lottie D. Stevens, Dean School of Fine Arts
Mrs. J. T. Luper, Matron Collins Hall
Mrs. Ellen Hill Copeland, assistant in Piano
Mrs. Lillian Hancock, Voice
Ads from the 1926 Yearbook
J. H. Bolin, Rexall Druggist
Perry Bros. Variety Store
O. K. Tailor Shop
Helpy Selfy Store - J. P. and H. A. Douglas
Liberty Transfer and Storage
Palace Barberr Shop - R. H. Greenwood, Prop.
Gulf Public Service Company
Jacksonville Building and Loan
Jacksonville Drug Company
L. E. Frank
Ray Sales Company
O. K. Barber Shop
J. E. Dixon, Jewler
Denby Furniture Store
City Shoe Shop
Bolton and Shoemaker
J. L. Brown
Parker and Tipton - Drugs and Jewelry
Kimbro - Tucker Hardware
Lon Morris College
Seniors from Jacksonville listed in the 1932 Alexandra
Frances Acker |
Daughter of Tom and Vergie Acker |
John D. Dashield |
Aldis Douglas |
Bernice Duty |
Russell Fox |
Virginia Jackson |
Ruth Jones |
Rebekah Lane |
Eula Mae McLeod |
Lenora Faye Newburn |
Grace D. Porterwood |
Velma Porterwood |
Crysup Sory |
Justin Walker |
Mrs. Laura Wilson |
Jacksonville Golden Jubilee
Among the treasured papers inherited from my dad's first cousin
Martinelle True, is an old paper with pictures from the Jacksonville
Golden Anniversary. The paper is not dated nor do I find name of
Since one page is a full page of Shelby County babies
and since names of directors are switched as well as names for at least
one float, I assume this could have been in one of the Houston papers.
The paper originally belonged to Aunt Nevie, my dad's sister who lived
in Beaumont. |
The headline reads,
A City's Golden Anniversary
Fifty years of progress at Jacksonville, "Jewel of East Texas." was
celebrated recently by a great outpouring of citizens, new and old.
Photos by Huggins, Nichols Studio, Jacksonville. |

Images include:
Not pictured in paper are:
Deason Auto, page 129 Centennial Book
First National Bank, page
211, Centennial Book
Langs, page 331, Centennial Book |